A historic influx of federal funding has given state and local governments an opportunity to increase investments in retrofits for low- and moderate-income housing. Some jurisdictions are already using funds from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to create and scale retrofit programs that address local community priorities such as job creation, health, and comfort, and reducing energy costs to make housing more affordable for families that need it the most.
Join the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)as they host a panel of expert speakers to highlights early insights, motivations, and processes behind utilizing these funds for affordable housing retrofits. Discussion will also address the importance of engaging underserved and marginalized communities throughout the development and implementation of programs.
The webinar will be held Thursday, August 4, 2022, from 2 to 3 p.m. The panel of speakers will include:
Nick Henner (Moderator), Policy Analyst, Clean Energy Finance, ACEEE
Stephanie Sosa-Kalter, Deputy Director, National Affordable Housing Retrofit Initiative, ACEEE
Michael Stoddard, Executive Director, Efficiency Maine Trust
Jessica Abralind, BEPS Strategy and Engagement Lead, DC Department of Energy and Environment
This free webinar will be hosted on the Zoom platform. Registration is required. Click Here to register online.