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HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge, Fairfax County Announce Allocation of More Rental Assistance Resources

Updated: Sep 28, 2022

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Marcia Fudge, visited Fairfax County to announce the most expansive allocation of flexible rental assistance in 20 years with the award of more than 19,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers to almost 2,000 public housing authorities across the country. “To help people who are dealing with the housing affordability crisis, including people experiencing homelessness, we are awarding more than 19,000 new Housing Choice Vouchers to housing agencies throughout the country,” said Secretary Fudge. “HUD is committed to ensuring people have access to the resources and tools they need to get a decent and safe home. That is what everyone in this country deserves. Every eligible household should have access to a voucher. No one should have to sleep on the street or in their car because they can’t afford rent.” As part of HUD’s announced allocation of Housing Choice Vouchers, the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority (FCRHA) will receive 41 new Housing Choice Vouchers to assist qualified working households to move from the waiting list into homes. In addition, the FCRHA has announced an additional 30 Mainstream Vouchers, also funded by HUD, which provide a rental subsidy for non-elderly adults with disabilities. “Fairfax County enjoys a remarkable partnership with HUD,” said FCRHA Chairman Melissa McKenna. “Today’s announcement reflects the ongoing support and investments HUD has directed to our local community over the years. It is also an incredible endorsement of the work Fairfax County and the FCRHA have done on affordable housing.” The FCRHA administers rental assistance to more than 4,000 households, investing more than $5.5 million each month in the local economy. Federal Housing Choice Vouchers alone serve more than 12,000 individuals and, along with other rental assistance programs, are an essential element of sustaining a diverse and thriving economy. These resources help workers live near their jobs; help families create wealth; and help support many essential workers that we need in Fairfax County – such as childcare workers, first responders, construction laborers, and more. Secretary Fudge and HUD and county officials were joined by several HCV residents who shared their true encounters with housing instability and homelessness. Residents attested to the significant role of the voucher program in providing a foundation for changing the course of their lives. Children have been reunified with their parents; families have moved out of homelessness; and supportive programs have aided residents in progressing towards financial stability. “Even from the stories expressed today, it’s clear to see that many people experience homelessness differently,” one participant summarized. “The voucher program is critical to providing families with the ability to breathe and have space to rebuild their lives.”

In addition to receiving these new vouchers from HUD, the FCRHA is actively pursuing other opportunities to increase rental assistance resources such as through the Veterans Affairs Supporting Housing program and further partnerships with the Commonwealth of Virginia.

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