Fairfax County, like most communities across the nation, is taking urgent steps to address a shortage of affordable housing for individuals and families earning low and moderate income. Within the past four years, Fairfax County has quickly risen to be a leading producer of affordable housing in the Washington, D.C. area with a pipeline of more than 3,000 units of committed affordable housing in various stages of development. Whether through preservation or development of affordable homes, Fairfax County is not only setting a new standard in terms of quantity but also quality.
With the advancement of residential development practices, design, and materials, today’s affordable housing fits seamlessly within the fabric of existing market-rate communities and can enhance the economic value of the neighborhoods where they are located. Housing industry leaders and advocates alike point to an increasing supply of research that demonstrates the benefits of affordable housing:
Assessing the Impact of Affordable Housing on Nearby Property Values in Alexandria, VA (Urban Institute, 2022)
Effects of Concentrated LIHTC Development on Surrounding House Prices (Journal of Housing Economics, 2022)
The Impact of Affordable Housing on Housing and Crime in Orange County (University of California-Irvine Livable Cities Lab, 2022)