Fairfax County RedeVelopment and Housing AUTHORITY

About The Housing Blueprint
In January 2010, the Board of Supervisors endorsed an affordable housing policy, known as the “Housing Blueprint”. The Blueprint focuses on providing housing for those with the greatest need, including homeless families and individuals, persons with disabilities, and people with extremely low-incomes. The Blueprint also emphasizes partnering with the county’s nonprofit community to provide creative affordable housing solutions, the refocusing of existing resources, and fostering the development of workforce housing through land use policies and public/private partnerships.
The Housing Blueprint has four goals:
Address the challenges of homelessness;
To provide affordable housing options to special needs population;
Meet the affordable housing needs of low income working families;
To Increase workforce housing through creative partnerships and public policy.
To view the FY 2022 Housing Blueprint, click here.
For more information, on the Housing Blueprint, click here.